Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00374673 AGNIHOTRA DAKSHINA MURTY CHAVALI Director 2015-03-18
03268712 ANAND KUMAR KANAKASAPAPATHY Director 2013-11-01
08561128 ARUN RASTE Director 2019-12-18
05163623 DILIP RATH Director 2012-04-15
01878144 KINNERA MURTHY BHAGAVATULA Director 2015-03-18
07999606 PRASANNA AVINASH DESHPANDE Wholetime Director 2017-12-11
08080775 SANJAY MADHAV MEHENDALE Director 2018-03-12
07056514 VARSHA JOSHI Additional Director 2020-12-29
00064153 VILLUPPANOOR ALWAR SRINIVASAN Director 2005-09-06
07058130 YUVARAJ YASHVANT PATIL Director 2017-03-24


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