Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00017913 ANIL CHOUDHARY Director 2006-09-23
00427646 HITESH MEHTA Director 2005-09-24
00219326 PRAVEEN KUMAR AGARWAL Director 2009-09-25
07968287 PREM NARAYAN NAGORI Director 2017-09-20
01813444 RAMESH AGAR Director 2007-09-24
06408457 SACHIN BANSAL Director 2017-09-20
01274435 SANJEEV SACHDEVA Director 2006-09-23
01663471 SUBHASH CHANDRA CHATURVEDI Director 2008-09-23
05111535 VIVEK BANSAL Director 2017-09-20
01603217 VRAJESH GANDHI Director 2005-09-24


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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