Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07696888 GAYATRI RAJESH KHAIRANAR Director 2019-09-10
07696214 MANGALA MANOHAR VIRGAONKAR Director 2019-09-10
07696514 MANOHAR GANGADHAR VIRGAONKAR Director 2019-09-10
07957430 PUNAM SWAPNIL KAPADNIS Director 2019-09-10
07696026 RAHUL MANOHAR KHAIRNAR Director 2019-09-10
07696757 REENA RAMESH HIRE Director 2019-09-10
08558799 SHYAM RAMESH GAWALI Director 2019-09-10
07696764 SONALI SURYWANSHI ULHAS Director 2019-09-10
08558797 ULHAS SUBHASH SURYAWANSHI Director 2019-09-10
08558798 YASHWANT GANPATRAO KAPADNIS Director 2019-09-10


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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