Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
06829443 ARVIND KUMAR GUPTA Director 2004-09-29
05105419 DEVENDRA KUMAR MUCHHAL Director 2016-02-23
01774758 GIRDHAR GOPAL NAGAR Director 2014-09-27
06829448 KAILASHCHANDRA SOMANI Director 2007-09-18
06829548 MUKESH KUMAR THAWRANI Director 2012-09-25
02457895 MUKESH KUMAR TONGIA Director 2014-09-27
00113174 PURUSHOTTAM DAS PASARI Director 1988-06-28
00318175 RADHAKISHAN SONI Director 2004-09-29
08034075 RAJESH KUMAR NAHATA Director 2019-09-30
06829583 SURENDRA KUMAR JAIN Director 2013-09-28
06829438 VIJAY KUMAR JAIN Director 2008-09-27


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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