Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
06853983 ADRIANUS JOHANNES ANTONIUS KAS Additional Director 2014-06-25
00114067 ALKA MAREZBAN BHARUCHA Additional Director 2014-06-25
07015440 DAVID HAN LEE YONG Additional Director 2014-11-10
00056826 KEWAL KUNDANLAL HANDA Additional Director 2014-08-12
03518417 MARK EDWIN NEWMAN Director 2011-04-20
02106990 MELEVEETIL DAMODARAN Director 2008-07-21
01237902 SANTOSH DESAI Director 2008-04-29
00698356 VAUGHN NIGEL RICHTOR Director 2005-10-26
00416236 VIKRAM TALWAR Director 2010-12-20


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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