Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00378264 AMOL SADANEND PATIL Director 2010-02-23
00377805 DOMINIC SEBASTIAN DMELLO Director 2010-02-23
00378173 IQBAL AMIRALI HUDDA Director 2010-02-23
00378229 NANDKUMAR RAJARAM MOHITE Director 2010-02-23
00378193 NITIN DINANATH RAUT Director 2010-02-23
01167173 PRADEEP N PAWAR Director 2010-08-02
00378213 SANJAY DATTARAM PALAV Director 2010-02-23
00377854 SHIRAZ AKBARALI KAMAAL Director 2010-02-23
00378150 STANLEY SEBESTIAN MENEZES Director 2010-02-23
02070859 SUDHIR RAJARAM TANDEL Director 2011-06-21
03609158 SUJATA STANLEY MENEZES Director 2011-06-21


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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