Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
01892711 ALOK JAIN Director 2015-10-09
03060409 AMIT KUMAR SINGH Additional Director 2015-10-09
00890425 ANSHUMAN DUTTA Director 2019-12-09
00011749 AVINEESH MATTA Director 2019-07-22
08038875 DENESH SINGH Additional Director 2019-12-09
03479289 GOPAL KUMAR Director 2019-12-09
08048717 KIRTI AGARWAL Director 2019-12-09
06942255 MUKESH SINGH KUSHWAH Director 2019-07-22
03060652 RAJIV KUMAR SINGH Director 2015-10-09
03458603 SHIV MOHAN SHARMA Director 2019-07-22
02964813 SUSHIL KUMAR LAL Director 2019-07-22
05014980 VIJAY KUMAR GOEL Additional Director 2020-06-20


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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