Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
06530523 AJAY HARIRAM GURJAR Director 2018-10-05
05316623 AKSHAY SUNIL GOSAVI Director 2018-10-05
06927808 MUKESH MEENA SURJANLAL Director 2018-10-05
03508351 PALLAVI VIVEK BARSAGADEY Director 2018-10-05
01090120 PANKAJ TILAKRAJ AGGARWAL Director 2018-10-05
06569577 RAKESH SURJANLAL MEENA Director 2018-10-05
03029933 RITESH KANJIBHAI AGRAWAL Director 2018-10-05
08020211 RUPESH BALKRISHNA AGARWAL Director 2018-10-05
02739157 VIVEK KUMAR SHYAMRAO BARSAGADEY Director 2018-10-05


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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