Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
08219551 ABHIJITH MENON ANEDATH Wholetime Director 2018-09-29
08219519 ANANDARAJ MUTHUKRISHNAN Wholetime Director 2018-09-29
08219533 ANURAJ POTHIYULLATHIL MEETHAL Wholetime Director 2018-09-29
08050081 JOSHIL Director 2018-02-08
08050481 KORANDATTIL RAVIKUMAR Managing Director 2018-02-08
08219544 MURALEEDHARAN Wholetime Director 2018-09-29
08050124 NITIN DAS NERAVATH KANDY Director 2018-02-08
08050468 PRASANTH VATTATHARA VIJAYAKUMAR Director 2018-02-08
08219624 RAJEEV RAGHAVAN Wholetime Director 2018-09-29
08219630 ROOPESH MANAVEETTIL Wholetime Director 2018-09-29
08050127 SUNIL SURENDRAN Wholetime Director 2018-09-29


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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