Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07886434 AJAY CHAMANLAL KANWAL Managing Director 2017-08-30
07156318 CHITRA RAJIV TALWAR Director 2020-01-31
08743508 EUGENE EMMANUEL KARTHAK Additional Director 2020-07-02
07820690 PERUVEMBA RAMACHANDRAN SESHADRI Director 2020-07-02
03597562 RAHUL KHOSLA Director 2020-09-30
00200373 RAMALINGAM RAMASESHAN Director 2016-02-25
00163276 RAMESH RAMANATHAN Director 2006-07-24
06778078 VIJAYALATHA REDDY Director 2014-01-02
05168309 VIKRAM GANDHI Director 2012-07-12


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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