Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
06465221 ABHARAN SARKAR Director 2013-01-01
06464901 KHOKAN BISWAS Managing Director 2013-01-01
06465077 MRITYUJANY MAJOOMADAR Director 2013-01-01
06465080 NAKUL BISWAS Director 2013-01-01
06464888 NAND GOPAL Director 2013-01-01
06464908 NIKHIL BAIRAGI Director 2013-01-01
06465199 PRAKASH MANDAL Director 2013-01-01
06465202 SADANAND MAJUMDAR Director 2013-01-01
06465204 SAPAN SARKAR Director 2013-01-01
06465209 SAPAN VISHVAS Director 2013-01-01
06465211 UTTAM KUMAR Director 2013-01-01
06465216 VESHANATH VISHAS Director 2013-01-01


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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