Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
03019690 ARJUN SHANKER BHARTIA Director 2017-05-23
00204434 ARUN SETH Director 2018-10-22
00006051 ASHOK MISRA Director 2014-09-15
00010499 HARI SHANKER BHARTIA Managing Director 1983-11-01
05264757 PRAMOD YADAV Additional Director 2017-04-01
00020603 PRIYAVRAT BHARTIA Director 2017-05-23
00010484 SHYAM SUNDER BHARTIA Director 1978-06-21
00004272 SRINIVASAN SRIDHAR Director 2013-06-15
02263950 SUDHA PILLAI Director 2013-09-03
00309302 SUSHIL KUMAR ROONGTA Director 2017-05-23
00101328 VIVEK MEHRA Director 2017-05-23


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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