Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07695146 ASHISH KUMAR MISHRA Director 2016-12-30
07580974 BHOLA NATH PRAJAPATI Additional Director 2016-08-03
07695168 HIMANSHU SINGH Director 2016-12-30
07217990 LAKHAN SINGH YADAV Director 2015-07-30
07580906 PRAMOD KUMAR SINGH Additional Director 2016-08-03
07217987 PREM NARAIN GUPTA Director 2015-07-30
02631312 RAJESH KUMAR DIXIT Additional Director 2016-08-03
07580977 RAM PRAKASH MISRA Additional Director 2016-08-03
06911854 UTPAL MUKHERJEE Director 2015-07-30


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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