Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
03513810 AASIM AHMED Director 2011-04-30
03513243 APURBA DAS Director 2011-04-30
03518053 BISWAJIT GHOSH Director 2011-06-22
03514054 KHALESH MANDAL Director 2011-04-30
03514873 PARTHA BHATTACHARJEE Director 2006-07-24
03514108 RUMPA SAHA Director 2011-04-30
03514510 SANJIB KUMAR DAS Director 2011-04-30
03513822 SANTA KUMAR DAS Director 2011-04-30
03514901 SWAPNA BHATTACHARYA Director 2006-07-24
03513781 VIVEKANANDA BHATTARCHARJEE Director 2011-04-30


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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