DIN | Director Name | Designation | Date Of Appointment |
08568772 | AASHABAI HANUMANT DHOBE | Additional Director | 2019-09-16 |
07953273 | AMOL SANJAY JADHAV | Director | 2019-09-16 |
08168962 | GANESH BHAGWAN PAWAR | Director | 2018-07-18 |
08169014 | KAPIL SUNIL YADAV | Director | 2018-07-18 |
07033853 | MAHESH APPASO PATIL | Director | 2018-07-18 |
08169000 | MANISHA VITTHAL KATRAJKAR | Director | 2018-07-18 |
08169016 | MINAKSHI SANDIP KAMBLE | Director | 2018-07-18 |
07953269 | RADHABAI NANDKUMAR MASAL | Additional Director | 2019-09-16 |
08169025 | RUKAYYA SAMIRKHAN PATHAN | Director | 2018-07-18 |
07953231 | SANTOSH VASANT KAMBLE | Director | 2018-07-18 |
06697732 | SHARAD MADHAVRAO SAPKAL | Director | 2018-07-18 |
07953274 | SHUBHAM NIVRUTTI BHANDWALKAR | Additional Director | 2019-09-16 |
08169001 | SIMA INDRAJIT KAMBALE | Director | 2018-07-18 |
08568878 | SUVARNA BALU DHAKTODE | Additional Director | 2019-09-16 |
08169019 | VARSHA NANASAHEB TORDAMAL | Director | 2018-07-18 |
DIN | Director Name | Designation | Appointment Date |
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