Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
08168134 ANITA PANNA Additional Director 2019-12-06
07878987 BINAY BHUSAN BARLA Director 2017-07-03
08168138 GORATI KUJUR Additional Director 2019-12-06
08168135 KAMALA TOPPO Additional Director 2019-12-06
08383068 KAMLA BANWAR Additional Director 2019-03-08
07345842 LALIT LAKRA Director 2016-01-08
07417132 MANOJ EKKA KUMAR Director 2016-01-27
08168136 NILKUSUM LAKRA Additional Director 2019-12-06
08383044 SABITA MAJHI Additional Director 2019-03-08


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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