Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00141804 AKILA VIJAY IYENGAR Wholetime Director 2015-04-22
08279136 ANANTH KRISHNAN Director 2018-11-14
00141755 LAKSHMI SRINATH Wholetime Director 2017-10-21
00141632 NIRMALA LAKSHMAN Director 2017-09-30
00141701 RAMESH RANGARAJAN Director 2017-09-30
00141587 RAVI NARASIMHAN Director 2017-09-30
00079047 THIRUMALAI KRISHNAKUMAR Director 2020-08-31
00141736 VENUGOPAL KASTURI Director 2017-09-30
01343692 VIJAYA ARUN Director 2015-04-22

Past Directors of KSL MEDIA LIMITED

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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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