Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
08393064 ASAR PAL SINGH Nominee Director 2019-06-01
08566285 KOYAMMA KOYA Nominee Director 2019-09-28
07097374 MIHIRA VARDHAN RAJU Nominee Director 2019-09-28
00649482 MINI SAJAN VARGHESE Director 2019-06-01
07034370 SACHIN SHARMA Nominee Director 2019-09-28
08695311 SHIV KUMAR Managing Director 2020-02-21
08695400 SINGAKHONGBAM ASKER ALI Wholetime Director 2020-02-21
01351662 SUNDARAVADIVELU SUBRAMANIAN Nominee Director 2020-02-21
08564235 THOOPIYAKAL MUTHU KOYA Nominee Director 2019-09-28
08215126 VIJENDER SINGH RAWAT Nominee Director 2018-10-11


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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