Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
05167982 ANIL ANNASAHEB ALATKAR Director 2012-01-30
05176982 DEEPAK MADHAV JOSHI Director 2012-01-30
05169906 MAKARAND BHILA BAGUL Director 2012-01-30
05175632 NAGESH SARJERAO INGALE Director 2012-01-30
05170046 RAJENDRA DINKAR GUNDAWAR Managing Director 2012-01-30
05179319 SANJAY GAJANAN CHIVATE Director 2012-01-30
05172563 SATISH NARAYAN KARANDE Director 2012-01-30
05172577 SHARAD VASANT KSHIRSAGAR Director 2012-01-30
05167627 SHISHIR SHANKAR BUDHKAR Director 2012-01-30


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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