Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00042784 ARUN KRISHNA SRIVASTAVA Alternate Director 2016-12-17
01450615 GAURI PUNJ Director 1991-12-11
00048225 GAUTAM NILENDER PUNJ Managing Director 2003-04-19
01171133 GAYATRI PUNJ Director 2003-04-19
00048203 GITA PUNJ Director 1990-07-31
00059431 MOHIT KHANNA Managing Director 1993-06-30
00048157 NILENDER PRAKASH PUNJ Wholetime Director 1986-12-11
00677710 SUNEET PRAKASH MUNJAL Wholetime Director 2014-09-05
00933303 VINEET PRAKASH MUNJAL Managing Director 1993-06-30


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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