Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00001479 BADRINARAYAN RAMULAL BARWALE Director 1999-12-01
00556459 JERRY LEE FLINT Director 2005-05-17
00978804 MARK JAMES DEADWYLER Director 2007-01-16
00025669 RAJAGOPALAN SANTHANAM Alternate Director 2007-01-16
00001678 RAJENDRA BADRINARAYAN BARWALE Director 1999-12-01
01031445 SEKHAR NATARAJAN Casual Vacancy Director 2007-01-16
00001949 SHYAMSUNDER GOPILALJI AGRAWAL Director 1999-12-01
00002982 USHA ZEHR BRENT Director 2000-11-03


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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