Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00096537 ABDURAHMAN KARTHOLIPARAMBA Director 2000-07-24
03345288 AHAMED MOOPAN MANDAYAPURATH Director 2011-10-28
00053469 ALI MAMMATHRAYILLATH Director 1995-02-17
00272742 AZHUMULATHIL ABDULRAHIMAN SALIM Director 2002-09-27
02263209 HAMZA PARAPPU MAPPILAKATH Wholetime Director 2007-08-18
00159482 KAZIA MOHAMMED ISMAIL Director 1995-08-01
00159403 MANDAYAPURATH AZAD MOOPEN Director 1995-03-01
00097569 MOOLAKKADATH SALAHUDDIN Director 2001-09-28
01880298 NASEERA Director 2016-08-19
03584994 PAKKERKOYA PALLI NALAKATH Director 1995-02-17
06915725 RASHID ASLAM BIN MOHIDEEN MAMMU HAJI Director 2016-11-02
01275777 SYED MOHIDDINA SYED ALI KHALIL Director 2005-08-20
02135108 WILSON JOSEPH THADATHIL Director 2007-08-18


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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