Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
03534047 ABDUL MUNEER BILIPPALAN KANDIYIL Director 2003-10-24
03287147 ABDUL NASAR KUNNAPADI Director 2007-02-01
00017008 ABDUL SALAM KANDAMPATH Director 2004-09-23
03620540 HAKKEEM CHERIYA PARAMBIL Director 2011-08-03
01515844 KEETHADATH MAMOO Director 2004-09-23
00017550 MAYAN KUTTY CHOLAKKAL Director 2004-09-23
00017148 PALLIKERE IBRAHIM ABDULLA Director 2004-09-23
00029147 RAYAROTH ABDULJALLEL Managing Director 2003-06-24
07029152 SHAMEER PARAMMEL Director 2015-03-02
00018268 SHAREEJ VEERANKUTTY SAFIYA Director 2004-09-23
01678029 YASSER KANDOTH BASHEER Director 2007-07-01


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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