Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
08155154 AMARENDRA MISHRA Director 2018-06-14
08133375 BISHWA NATH MISHRA Director 2018-05-14
08155156 GAURAV KUMAR Director 2018-06-14
02104206 GURU CHARAN GANDHI Director 2018-06-14
06417989 MANOJ KUMAR GUPTA Director 2018-06-14
08155159 MOHAN SINGH Director 2018-06-14
08133376 PAPPU KUMAR Director 2018-05-14
08155182 RAMSURESH SINGH Director 2018-06-14
08155167 RANJAN KUMAR SINGH Director 2018-06-14
08156734 SADAN PRASAD SINGH Director 2018-06-14
08155242 SANDHYA KUMARI Director 2018-06-14
08133377 SANGITA GULATI Director 2018-05-14
08156712 SHIVMURAT SAH Director 2018-06-14
07376300 VINAY KUMAR Director 2018-06-14


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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