Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
08092927 ANIL KUMAR JAIN Director 2018-03-22
08103425 ARUN JAIN Director 2018-03-27
03431485 ASLAM PARVEZ Director 2018-03-22
02241613 NITESH AGRAWAL Director 2018-03-22
08092928 RAHUL JAIN Director 2018-03-22
08092926 SACHIN JAIN Director 2018-03-22
08147300 SARLA JAIN Director 2018-05-31
08103420 SUDHIR KUMAR AGRAWAL Director 2018-03-27
08103434 VIVEK KUMAR AGRAWAL Director 2018-03-27
08103419 ZAKIR HUSSAIN Director 2018-03-27


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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