Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07109033 AMIT VEDPRAKASH GUPTA Director 2015-03-02
06901341 GANPAT VACHHRAJ MEHTA Wholetime Director 2016-01-01
02499096 MANGILAL VACHARAJ MEHTA Wholetime Director 1988-06-03
01492795 MUKESH MANGILAL MEHTA Director 2005-12-28
07109079 NISHIT SHAILESH MORAKHIA Director 2015-03-02
01597368 RIKHABCHAND VACHHRAJ MEHTA Managing Director 1988-06-03
02505950 SANJAY RAMNIKLAL SHAH Wholetime Director 2005-12-28
07109057 SUSHIL NAGANATH BHOJANE Director 2015-03-02


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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