Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07560233 HIDEO HATADA Director 2016-12-05
02657113 HIROSHI MORIMOTO Director 2015-03-23
00048584 LAKSH VAAMAN SEHGAL Director 2013-05-16
06900456 MADHU BHASKAR Director 2015-03-23
00256796 MANISH KUMAR GOYAL Director 2019-03-14
08394377 RAJESH KUMAR AGARWAL Director 2019-04-30
03556087 SANJAY KALIA Director 2020-09-10
08031968 SHINJI YONEDA Director 2017-12-22
00033876 VIVEK AVASTHI Director 2017-03-23
08550113 YUICHIRO YANO Director 2019-09-04


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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