Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07815534 CHANDRA KANT RATNA Director 2017-05-11
07815520 JITENDRA KUMAR SAROJ Director 2017-05-11
07814554 MOHAMMAD IQLAKH Director 2017-05-11
07815519 MOHAMMAD SHAHRUKH KHAN Director 2017-05-11
07814673 MOHD AAFTAB KHAN Director 2017-05-11
07815559 NAMRATA Director 2017-05-11
07171108 NARENDRA KUMAR Director 2015-07-20
07814772 SYED MASOOM RAZA Director 2017-05-11
07814767 TUSHAR SHUKLA Director 2017-05-11
07171153 VIJENDRA KUMAR Director 2015-07-20
07814599 VIRENDRA KUMAR Director 2017-05-11


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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