Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
02772555 RIYAZ MOHAMMED SHABANDARI Director 1997-12-15
01429278 SHABANDRI MOHAMED IBRAHIM Director 1997-09-25
00892290 SHABANDRI MOHAMED IRSHAD Director 1997-09-25
00749571 SHABANDRI MOHAMMED YUNUS Director 2010-08-23
00541950 SHABENDRI MOHAMED BADSHA Director 1997-09-25
01267210 SYED ABUBAKER VASEEM Wholetime Director 2007-12-10
01072750 SYED MOHIDEENA SYED MOHAMMED ZAHEER Director 2013-06-10
08268628 SYEDASLAM SYED MOHIDINA Casual Vacancy Director 2018-09-30
02772517 SYEDMOHIDINA SYEDZUBAIR Director 1997-09-05
01268594 YAHYA Managing Director 2013-06-10


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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