Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
08277198 JAMALU VEETTILAYIL Director 2018-12-10
08563089 KOMBATHAYIL HYDERALI HARIS Director 2019-10-14
08188059 MARATH KUNHIMON SAIDMOHAMED Director 2018-07-27
03217922 MOHAMED VEETTILAYIL Director 2019-10-14
08277231 MOIDUNNI Director 2018-12-10
08277205 PARAYANGHATTIL KUNJUMOIDU Director 2018-12-10
08188060 PLAKKAVEETTIL ABOOBACKER Director 2018-07-27
08277244 SULAIMAN NURUKKU PARAMBIL Director 2018-12-10
08277826 VAKAYIL MOHAMMADHUSSAIN Director 2018-12-10


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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