Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
02110850 ABE GEORGE KAREDAN Director 2008-06-16
02829102 FRANCIS JOSEPH MECHERI Director 2010-09-28
02852587 GIGI CHITTINAPPILLI Director 2010-09-28
07694580 GOPURAN DEVASSY VARGHESE Director 2019-02-20
02914239 IYANAN THOMAS VARGHESE Director 2010-09-28
08214733 LIS JACOB Director 2018-10-05
07175555 MULLAMKUZHY OUSEPH MONACHAN Director 2019-02-20
02852650 ROYINI ANTONY Director 2010-09-28
02835926 SHAJI ANTONY Director 2010-09-28
02110784 THOTTATHIL ANTONY JOSE Managing Director 2008-06-16
02110823 THOTTATHIL THOMAS VARGHESE Director 2008-06-16


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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