Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
08192696 ASHISH JIVAN DEDGE Director 2018-09-24
08193892 BALASAHEB DNYANESHWAR MANE Director 2019-09-21
08527935 CHANDRAKANT RANGNATH GHULE Director 2019-09-21
08837941 DEVIDAS EKNATH LAGAD Additional Director 2020-08-25
07278722 ISHAAN UMESH MAGAR Wholetime Director 2015-10-01
03607215 JAYPRAKASH JAGANNATH GIRME Director 2011-04-01
08520535 MANOJ GAJANAN JADHAV Director 2019-09-21
02134055 NILESH ASHOKRAO MAGAR Additional Director 2020-03-05
08193828 PRASHANT SHANKAR DUGANE Director 2019-09-21
08542430 PRATIK UMESH MAGAR Wholetime Director 2019-09-21
07134224 REKHA SATISH MAGAR Director 2015-03-28
07061879 ROHAN SATISH JADHAV Additional Director 2015-03-07
02000979 SANGRAM DILIPSINH JADHAVRAO Director 2018-09-24
00007613 SATISH DATTATRAY MAGAR Managing Director 2006-03-08
07091798 SHASHANK VISHNUPANT KHANSE Director 2015-03-07
08520575 SUJIT SARJERAO KARALE Director 2019-09-21
00552722 SWASTIK SIRSIKAR Director 2011-04-01
00007594 UMESH DATTATRAY MAGAR Wholetime Director 2006-03-08


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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