Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07247062 ANIL GANPATRAO PHULWADKAR Director 2016-01-07
06713377 NILESH PREMRAJ AGALE Director 2016-01-07
07247070 PRAMOD MAROTRAO PARBHANIKAR Director 2016-01-07
07247072 RAJENDRAPRASAD YADGIRI GAJJAL Director 2016-01-07
07247073 RAVINDRA HARIBHAU AMILKANTHWAR Director 2016-01-07
07247068 SAIFULLAH KHAN MOINUDDIN Director 2016-01-07
07247817 SAYED UMAR SAYED HABIB Director 2016-01-07
07247074 SHIVSHANKAR VIRBHADRA KHAKARE Director 2016-01-07
07247067 SURESHSINGH NARAYANSINGH HAZARI Director 2016-01-07


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