Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
06424769 BHASKARRAO SHANKARRAO MUNDHE Director 2018-04-11
08108847 GURUMEETSINGH ARJUNSINGH BAGGA Nominee Director 2018-04-12
07966803 PRAKASH SAKHARAM THAVIL Director 2017-09-11
01860418 PRASHANT BHOLANATH NARNAWARE Nominee Director 2019-09-20
07540031 RADHAKRISHNA VITHALRAO GAME Nominee Director 2018-12-06
08635513 RAM CHARAN MEENA Additional Director 2019-12-30
08631893 SATISH LAXMAN KULKARNI Additional Director 2019-12-30
02782024 SATISH YADAVRAO SONAWANE Nominee Director 2019-07-18
08108852 SHAHU SADHAVRAO KHAIRE Nominee Director 2018-04-12
02670899 SITARAM KUNTE Nominee Director 2016-08-26
08425103 SURAJ DINKARRAO MANDHARE Nominee Director 2019-04-18
07121656 TUSHAR BAJIRAO PAGAR Director 2017-11-02
08535886 UDDHAV BABURAO NIMSE Nominee Director 2019-09-20
08410422 VISHWAS NARAYAN NANGRE PATIL Nominee Director 2019-04-16


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