Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00162161 ASHOK KUMAR AGRAWAL Managing Director 2004-05-30
01923782 BHAGWATI PRASAD GAUTAM Director 2009-11-02
02296645 DEVENDRA KUMAR Additional Director 2009-11-10
02276353 GAURAV AGARWAL Additional Director 2009-11-10
02841403 NARENDRA SINGH Director 2007-04-05
02841398 NETRA PAL SINGH Director 2009-10-08
01250124 PARAS KUMAR JAIN Director 2009-11-02
02841407 POORAN SINSINWAR SINGH Additional Director 2009-11-10
02841406 RACHIT KULSHRESTHA Director 2009-10-08
02841400 SHAKIR KHAN Director 2007-04-05
01628388 VIRENDRA SINGH Director 2007-04-02
02842043 VIVEK JAIN Director 2007-04-05


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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