Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07927214 ANURAG PALLA Director 2017-06-30
07964685 APUROOP PALLA Director 2017-06-30
06535902 BOINA SUBBA RAO Director 2013-03-07
01714120 KRISHNA KISHORE REDDY PALLA Director 2019-07-09
07842369 MADHU SUDHAN TATA Director 2019-02-20
07922633 NEELIMA SURYADEVARA Director 2017-06-30
05272264 NILIMA PALERU Managing Director 2012-07-02
01683545 RAJESHWAR REDDY PALLA Director 2012-10-01
07004237 SREELATHA PIPPIRI Director 2015-01-09
06400164 SUSHMITHA GUNDAVARAM Director 2012-10-01
06401427 VENKATA SUDHEER POLISETTY Director 2014-01-25


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