Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00906842 CHETAN SOBTI Director 2005-03-03
07488682 JEAN FRANCOIS HILAIRE Director 2016-04-11
07682789 LISA MARIA KRISTINA LUNDBERG Director 2017-03-03
07502664 MARK QUICK ROYSTON Director 2016-04-26
01988793 NITIN SOBTI Director 2005-03-03
02193619 SANJEEV CHUTTANI Director 2011-05-19
00152305 SOEB NOORUDDIN BHATRI Director 2019-06-25
01197741 SUNDARARAGHAVAN KOTHANDA RAMAN Director 2017-03-03
07427434 THOMAS BENGT ELDERED Director 2016-04-11


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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