Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07433253 ANUPAM JAJU Director 2016-02-15
06502836 ANUPMA UPADHYAY Director 2013-03-18
06518487 AVANEET RANA Director 2013-03-18
07630043 BRIJ MOHAN GUPTA Director 2017-07-07
07871171 HARIRAJ SINGH TOMAR Director 2017-07-07
06518490 HARVINDER KUMAR Director 2013-03-18
01378323 PRIYANK GARG Director 2014-07-02
02773749 RAJEEV RASTOGI Director 2014-07-02
02598742 RAJESH AGGARWAL Director 2014-07-02
07231893 ROHIT KUMAR SINGH Director 2015-07-09
06503836 SANDEEP KUMAR GARG Director 2013-03-18
06502852 SHALEEN SHARMA Director 2013-03-18
06518502 VINOD KUMAR SHARMA Director 2013-03-18
07400167 VISHWAJEET BEMBI Director 2016-01-11


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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