Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
01010778 BIREN SURYAKANT PATEL Director 2011-08-26
00024424 GAURANG NAVINCHANDRA SHAH Director 2011-04-08
00392885 HASMUKHLAL DAYALBHAI SHRIMALI Nominee Director 2005-10-07
00077389 JAYENDRABHAI HIRALAL KHARAWALA Director 1997-03-27
00392329 KAMLESHBHAI RAMAKANT MODI Director 1996-06-13
00392604 MANSUKHBHAI HARIBHAI KOTHIYA Director 2003-10-22
06702107 NIRAV PARSOTTAMBHAI BHAKHAR Director 2014-11-14
00370587 PARESH KRISHNAKANT PARIKH Director 1997-03-27
00024528 SAMIR SURESHCHANDRA SHAH Director 2002-06-30


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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