Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07339078 JAYA KUMAR GOVADA Director 2015-11-24
07339086 KIRAN KUMAR THIRUNAGARI Director 2015-11-24
07981017 KOLLI PRAKYATH Director 2018-03-20
07339093 KRANTHI KUMAR THIRUNAGARI Director 2015-11-24
07339101 MANOJ DASI Director 2015-11-24
07339717 NIRMALA THIRUNAGARI Director 2015-11-24
07339720 SATYA VANI JANGAM Director 2015-11-24
07339724 SUJATHA JAYA KUMAR GOVADA Director 2015-11-24
03564292 SUNDARAM KOLLI Director 2015-11-17
07339726 VENKATESHWARLU THIRUNAGARI Director 2015-11-24


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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