Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
06534082 ARUMUGAM VIGNESH Director 2013-02-17
07234532 MOHAMED KATHABI SAHIRA BANU Director 2015-05-17
06534097 NATCHIMUTHU SIVAMOORTHY Director 2013-02-17
06604722 RAJENDRAN ULAGARASI Director 2013-05-21
06534134 SAMYNATHAN SAKTHIVEL Director 2013-02-17
06541464 SERALATHAN ANANTHAKUMAR Director 2013-02-17
02292004 SUBRAMANIYAN VALVILORI Wholetime Director 2003-08-07
00859987 THANGAVEL ARUMUGAM Managing Director 2003-08-07
06538565 THANGAVEL MATHIYALAGAN Director 2013-02-17
06534651 VALVIL ORI VASANTHA Director 2013-02-17


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