Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
08632430 ATTOKARAN PORINCHU JOSE Additional Director 2019-11-26
07959442 CHITTILAPPILLY LONAPPAN AJISH Director 2017-09-26
03313741 DAVIS ROBY Additional Director 2010-10-26
03301642 DAVY KOLLANNUR HOUSE SEBASTIAN Managing Director 2010-10-26
08632412 EFFIE HAMLET Additional Director 2019-11-26
07434952 JOHNY KUTTIKAT THOMAS Director 2016-01-27
07433799 KOLLANOOR KURIAN ROY Director 2016-01-27
02876036 KUTTIKAT PAUL GEORGE Director 2010-10-12
03301635 LITTY ANTO Director 2010-10-26
01111762 MICHAEL PORATHOOR DEVASSY Director 2010-10-12
03093874 SEBASTIAN VALIYAVEETTIL DEVASSY Director 2012-09-29


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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