Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00078760 AKSHAY SHARAD PITTI Wholetime Director 2004-10-14
02872723 COMAL RAMACHANDRAN GAYATHRI Director 2014-09-22
00088454 GOPALA KRISHNA MUDDUSETTY Director 2007-06-28
00021592 NAGABHUSHAN RAO GANTI Director 2002-10-16
00700417 SANTOSH KUMAR AGRAWAL Wholetime Director 2006-08-28
00078716 SHARAD BADRIVISHAL PITTI Managing Director 1983-09-17
02721001 SWAMINATHAN THIAGARAJAN Director 2015-04-24
00780356 VIJAYA KUMAR GUMMALLA Director 2006-08-28


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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