Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00004779 AKHIL ANUPENDRA CHATURVEDI Nominee Director 2004-11-09
00031257 AMITABH TANEJA Director 2009-03-10
01217574 DAVID ANDREW FISCHEL Additional Director 2007-01-19
00004788 DEEP SUBHASH GUPTA Director 2006-01-13
01217613 JOHN GEORGE ABEL Additional Director 2007-01-19
01515586 NIGAM ANIL PATEL Wholetime Director 2006-01-13
00004983 NIKHIL ANUPENDRA CHATURVEDI Managing Director 2004-11-09
00004813 RAKESH RAWAT Wholetime Director 2006-01-13
00004768 SALIL ANUPENDRA CHATURVEDI Wholetime Director 2004-11-09


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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