Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
08325669 DILIP PRABHAKAR BARATE Nominee Director 2019-03-22
08371062 KODOORI VENKATESHAM Nominee Director 2019-03-22
07782230 MUKTA SHAILESH TILAK Nominee Director 2017-04-15
08083786 NAYANA ARJUN GUNDE Nominee Director 2018-03-29
01624863 NITIN NANDKISHOR KAREER Nominee Director 2016-05-31
00001207 PADMANABHAN SUBRAMANIAN Director 2016-12-14
01978579 PRITHVIRAJ SHASHIKANT SUTAR Nominee Director 2019-09-11
08323449 RAHUL KAPOOR Nominee Director 2019-03-22
08127958 SAURABH RAO Nominee Director 2018-06-09
03301962 SHRINATH YASHWANT BHIMALE Nominee Director 2017-04-15
08397391 SUNIL DNYANDEO KAMBLE Nominee Director 2019-09-11
03627339 VIKRAM KUMAR Nominee Director 2020-08-17
00057170 YASHWANT SRIPAD BHAVE Director 2019-03-22


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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