Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00493056 ANAND KUMAR JAIN Director 2010-01-01
01640785 ASHISH GUPTA Wholetime Director 2007-07-01
03449918 EBAAD RAHMAN Wholetime Director 2011-03-05
08430717 ESRA RAHMAN Director 2018-10-01
00059265 HAMMAD RAHMAN Wholetime Director 2004-06-01
07989145 IMRAN RAHMAN Wholetime Director 2017-11-23
00058307 KAMRAN RAHMAN Managing Director 1995-04-29
00058665 MOHAMMAD RAZI UDDIN Wholetime Director 2000-11-13
00058207 NADEEM RAHMAN Director 1991-12-24
02225024 PREM MOHAN GUPTA Director 2011-04-01
01353405 SUNIT GUPTA Director 2010-01-01
05327406 YUSRA RAHMAN Director 2012-05-01


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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