Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
06943139 ADITI BAGRI Director 2014-11-01
02836707 AMITABHA GUHA Director 2014-08-14
07540301 CHAITANYA JALAN Wholetime Director 2019-11-09
00533671 LALIT KUMAR KHETAN Additional Director 2020-10-20
00354690 MAHABIR PRASAD JALAN Wholetime Director 1981-11-12
00375462 NARESH JALAN Managing Director 1995-01-25
00019700 PADAM KUMAR KHAITAN Director 2005-07-25
00329479 PARTHA SARATHI BHATTACHARYYA Director 2016-05-21
00375557 PAWAN KUMAR KEDIA Wholetime Director 2003-09-15
00276330 RAM TAWAKYA SINGH Director 2012-05-12
00103398 RANAVEER SINHA Director 2019-02-02
00053550 SANDIPAN CHAKRAVORTTY Director 2016-05-21
05123237 YUDHISTHIR LAL MADAN Director 2012-05-12


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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