Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
03335467 AYUSH SARAF Director 2019-04-01
05150172 GIRIJA SHANKAR KAYAL Director 2011-04-01
03052330 JUGAL KISHORE GUPTA Director 2010-04-01
05150211 OM PRAKASH KEJRIWAL Director 2011-04-01
00872020 PRADEEP BAJORIA Director 2009-04-01
03050167 SANTOSH KUMAR TANTIA Director 2013-04-01
08361328 SHATABDI ADHIKARY Director 2019-04-01
07980797 SHRAVAN KANODIA Director 2019-04-01
02835394 UJJAL KUMAR MONDAL Director 2009-04-01
08363492 VISHNU KHAITAN Director 2019-04-01


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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