Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00305297 PAWAN KUMAR KANORIA Wholetime Director 1996-09-18
00154138 PIYUSH BHARTIA Director 2007-07-31
00372338 PRADEEP KUMAR JAIN Director 2004-08-18
00110648 PRANAB KUMAR MOOKERJEE Director 2000-01-22
07521286 ROHIT BANKA Director 2017-12-11
00305476 SANJAY HADA Managing Director 1998-02-02
00309725 SHIVKUMAR SEKSARIA Additional Director 2020-10-28
01204391 SMITA PODDAR Director 2015-03-30
00305420 SONAL HADA Alternate Director 2018-06-20


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