Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
02169024 AKASH LAXMANBHAI MISTRY Director 2008-04-25
06687164 ARTH BHAGVANBHAI MISTRY Director 2013-08-01
00687987 BHAGVANBHAI JIVRAJBHAI MISTRY Director 2006-10-03
07144047 BHANUBEN LAXMANBHAI MISTRY Director 2015-03-30
07143717 BHAVNABEN RAMNIKLAL MISTRY Director 2015-03-30
00687928 BHUPATBHAI JIVRAJBHAI MISTRY Director 2006-10-03
00688099 DILIPBHAI VIRJIBHAI MISTRY Director 2006-10-03
07144103 KIRTI AKASH MISTRY Director 2015-03-30
00688037 LAXMANBHAI JIVRAJBHAI MISTRY Director 2006-10-03
07143999 NITABEN DILIPKUMAR MISTRY Director 2015-03-30
00704504 PRAKASHBHAI BHUPATBHAI MISTRY Director 2006-10-03
00688069 RAMNIKLAL JIVRAJBHAI MISTRY Director 2006-10-03
07143984 RIDDHI PRAKASHBHAI MISTRY Director 2015-03-30
00687846 VIRJIBHAI JIVRAJBHAI MISTRY Director 2006-10-03


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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